- A fantastic INTERN STAFF
- Exciting new things to learn and do every day
- A slight mess (because creative work can leave detritus!)
But that doesn't really clarify a typical day too much, does it? Here is a typical schedule for someone in our "Page to Stage" performance series with a complete timeline:
8:20 AM :: Arrive at MadCAP, check in with the intern staffer at the front door, put your things away, and get ready to join the group for morning activities & group warm ups
8:30 AM :: Group warm ups lead by staff and/or INTERNS with full group of "Page to Stage" actors and full day "Through the Decades" actors
8:45 AM :: Begin rehearsal for "Page to Stage" production with Directors, Intern Staff, and the full "Page to Stage" acting group.
10:30 AM :: Short break for a snack, quiet time, and writing any notes down from the first part of rehearsal. Interns are on hand to help younger ones with note-taking. Break is usually concluded with a picture book or story about the time period or culture in which the musical is set.
12 NOON :: Both groups break for lunch, all students gather their things, use the restroom, and refill water bottles before lunch. As a large group, we will head to Capitol Square on most days (weather permitting) for a picnic lunch on the lawn. *Production-Only students sign out with Intern Staff and head home for the day*
1:00 PM :: Group returns from lunch and "Page to Stage" folks begin their afternoon activites. These will vary every day, but generally will include some acting/movement/vocal technique and some DRAMATURGICAL RESEARCH. Dramaturgical research is the act and study involved in "consulting sources outside the script is to help expand our understanding of the play and to enrich our range of options for bringing that play to life in the theatre" (taken from http://pages.towson.edu/quick/dramaturgresearch.html)
We will do this by visiting local experts such as Madison Children's Museum, the Wisconsin Historical Museum, resources at the Wisconsin Historical Society, and most importantly, the Madison Public Library. All of these places are within walking distance, and groups will travel with MadCAP Staff and Intern Staff with a ratio never to exceed 8 students to 1 staff member. Older students are paired with younger students within the group to mutually support these endeavors. We will be creating projects determined by the group to illustrate our research and these will be displayed at performances.
4:15 PM :: Wrap up from the day's activities and sign out with Intern Staff to head home with parents
(MadCAP does offer supervision for an additional hour. This is a fee-based service, and registration for After Care is available in June 2011)